Las Vegas Startups List

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ID 42365

Kenneth Wyche

Founder of @glittergates-corp, The go to business guy. Over 20 yrs investing in start-up companies. Advisor, Investor, Deep Thinker from beginning to the end.

ID 860405

Andrew Bart


Entrepreneur, Tech Investor, Advisory Board Member, Digital Marketer focusing on SEO, SEM, Content Marketing, Inbound Marketing, Software Platforms and Apps.

ID 8124

John Vanhara


Founder @shipito, @fazole-cz • Worked at @eastbiz-corporation

ID 45178

Aleks Buterman

CEO of SenseAgility, Ex-Chief Architect of F.500's, Quantum Thinker, Sci-Fi, Solar, Chess & Fantasy Sports Buff, Ice Rink Dad (so ex-Skydiver & Musician)

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